Saturday 17 July 2010

Inline Half Marathon

On the 23rd May 2010 I entered the British Inline half marathon in Hillingdon.I was in Cadet girls aged 13-15 year olds. The competion was hard but I enjoy long distance racing because i have good stamina.Before the race we had time to practise and warm up, the weather was scorching which I didn't enjoy as i prefer to race in mild conditions.

We lined up ready to start at 2.00pm ,the race went off faster than i expected because we raced with the adults and boys too.After 2miles the pace settled down and I managed to get in a comfortable position within the pack.

We all took turns taking the front so it was fair, the hardest part was the hill which took some time getting up and of course the heat! After 7miles it became alot easier and the pack began to break up because of people becoming tired.

Every few laps i grabbed a bottle of water from people handing them out from the side lines, because i didn't want to get dehydrated! With just two laps left after about 12 miles i felt a sudden burst of energy so i sprinted off to achieve a good time.

With the finish line round the corner I could hear the support of my family and team cheering me on, I won in a time of 44.09 a new British record! I was so happy especially as I beat it by 5 minutes.So apart from the heat and the tiredness, overall it was a great day!

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